Can I get approved for money for my business?

Yes we can help you get money for your business. Our business credit building system helps you build credit for your business even if you have a brand new business. You can then use your credit to obtain higher credit amounts, even funding. And your business credit can be built regardless of the quality of your personal credit. So even with challenged personal credit, you can still build credit and obtain funding for your business. If your business has collateral or cash flow, or if you have good personal credit, or have a personal guarantor with good credit, you can typically secure money quickly in addition to the business credit you acquire.

Do you offer business credit or cash funding?

We offer both business credit and funding services for our clients. We first help our clients to obtain money for their business through over 30 financing products with over 2,000 lenders. We then help clients build their business credit so they can obtain even more money with no personal guarantee or credit check.

Can you help me get money for my business if I have bad personal credit?

Building business credit correctly means there is rarely a need for a personal credit check in order for business owners to qualify. This means all business owners, even those with bad credit, can benefit from building their business credit. If the business owner has credit challenges yet has some kind of collateral, business cash-flow, or personal guarantor, they can also get funding along with business credit. Funding can be secured in as little as 30 days. Most forms of acceptable collateral will help the business owner to qualify – these include credit card sales, inventory, equipment, receivables, 401k and securities, even consistent revenue will help with qualifying.

How do I know if I am a good fit for your company to work with?

If you have great credit, you can secure money through the funding platform suite even if you are looking for funds to start a business. And you won’t need to show financials to qualify. Even if you have a co-signer, or a personal guarantor with good credit, you can quickly secure money with this program. If your business has some type of legitimate business collateral, it will help with qualifying for funding, even if your personal credit have challenges right now.

Acceptable collateral includes purchase orders, account receivables, inventory, equipment, credit card sales, commercial real estate, 401k’s and IRA’s, securities such as stocks, and most other forms of legitimate business collateral. You can even qualify for funding if your business simply has consistent cash flow each month. You can also qualify for funding if you have built good business credit. If you don’t have this, our system will help you build your business credit so you can secure funding based on your business credit profile.If you don’t have good personal or business credit, do not yet have cash flow for your business, have no acceptable collateral, and no co-signer, you will not secure money quickly through the finance suite. Therefore, if you have an immediate need for money/funding and don’t have any of these essentials, it will take you at least a year of business credit building to truly secure cash money and/or credit lines. If this is your situation, and you don’t have the essentials, we may not be the best solution for you. However, if you have at least one of the essentials – not all of them, like what a bank would require – you stand a good chance of benefiting from the CFP Business Credit/Funding Platform.

How quickly can I get money with you?

To obtain business funding, lenders typically want to see that you have Collateral, Cash flow, or Credit – whether it’s personal or business credit. If you have collateral, cash flow, or good personal or business credit, then you can typically secure money within 30 days or less. If you have challenged personal credit, no collateral, no business cash flow, you can still secure money using a personal guarantor with good credit. With no guarantor, collateral or cash flow, you will need to build business credit in order to obtain funding which can take up to 12 months.

How much money can I really get with you?

Our client can be approved for millions-of-dollars in funding if you have equivalent collateral or financials. Even new ‘startup’ businesses with no collateral can obtain up to $150,000. While businesses with collateral can secure hundreds-of-thousands of dollars to millions-of-dollars depending on the value of the collateral and/or cash-flow they have.

Do you offer business credit or cash funding?

We offer both business credit and funding services for our clients. We first help our clients to obtain money for their business through over 30 financing products with over 2,000 lenders. We then help clients build their business credit so they can obtain even more money with no personal guarantee or credit check.

Can you help me get money for my business if I have no financials?

Yes, over 90% of our funding programs require no financials to qualify.

Can you help me get money for a start-up business?

Yes, we have funding programs specifically designed for new ‘startup’ businesses and franchises. If you have good personal credit or a good personal guarantor you can secure up to $150,000 for your new business.


How long before I see results?

It’s a pretty normal question to ask: how long is this going to take? The honest answer is that it depends — on your goals, your situation and how much work you need done. AAA Credit Today, looks at you as an individual and build your own personal Game Plan accordingly. Your Game Plan focuses on the areas that will make the most impact– and helps the AAA Credit Today experts get to work quickly to make sure your creditors are being responsible regarding the information they’re reporting about you.

What if all my negative items are accurate?

We offer both business credit and funding services for our clients. We first help our clients to obtain money for their business through over 30 financing products with over 2,000 lenders. We then help clients build their business credit so they can obtain even more money with no personal guarantee or credit check.

Is credit repair worth it? Why?

To know whether credit repair is worth it, you just have to look at what your credit impacts. These days, it seems like it’s just about everything. When you start realizing how far it goes, it’s easy to do a little math. Not having ideal credit can cost you thousands and thousands of dollars over the course of a home or car loan. It can keep you from getting insurance coverage or even a job. It can make even everyday needs and decisions more difficult. When you compare this to the confidence and assurance of feeling in control of your credit situation and the opportunities that brings, the value of credit repair can seem pretty priceless. Luckily, having the experts at AAA Credit Today working to help you tackle your credit issues costs only $150.00 a month. It’s a pretty great value that may impact a lot of the things you value most. Learn More.

What is the Fair Credit Reporting Act and why was it created?

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) was written in 1970 as an amendment to the Consumer Credit Protection Act. The FCRA provides additional measures of consumer protection in the areas of fairness, accuracy, and privacy of the information collected by the credit bureaus. It also allows you to personally engage in credit repair and maintenance processes, verifying that the information in your credit report is correct.

How can my bad credit be repaired legally?

Because you are ultimately responsible for ensuring that your credit report is accurate, laws were enacted — specifically the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) to assist you. The FCRA gives you the right to contact the credit bureaus directly to dispute items on your credit reports. You can dispute any and all items that are inaccurate, untimely, misleading, biased, incomplete or unverifiable. Any item that cannot be verified on your credit report must be deleted. Goodwill Creditor Interventions may also be used to address an item on your credit report directly with your creditor. Also, the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act (FACTA) of 2003 may be utilized primarily in situations where identity theft is concerned. Thousands of people have legally and successfully restored their credit and increased their credit score simply by enforcing their own legal rights. This type of process can be done individually if you have the time, and of course the patience, for the learning curve involved.

What items can be removed?

A better question would most likely be “what item cannot be removed”. We can remove everything you can imagine. Here is a list of some:

  • Late Payments
  • Charge Offs
  • Foreclosures
  • Judgments
  • Repossessions
  • Personal Identification changed or corrected
  • Closed Accounts
  • Bankruptcies
  • Negative Settlements
  • Liens
  • Collection

How will I know it works?

Easy! Every time you receive updated credit reports throughout your service you will see items that have been changed, updated, or removed. If an item is changed or updated, it generally means that a positive improvement with that account (such as a late history) has been made. If an account was removed all together from your credit report, it means that a negative items has been removed from your credit. Usually these items are collections, charge offs, foreclosures, etc. We’ll also point out important progress made within your online portal which you’ll have online access to.


How much can I expect my score to go up?

It all depends. There are no two credit reports that are exactly the same. This means that improvements we make on one person’s credit may or may not improve the score as much as another’s. The “average”, we’ve found, never applies. We’ve seen scores go up 200+ points, and others just get the 20 point boost they needed to qualify for their home loan. Everyone’s results will vary, but, you can be certain we will get you the best results possible. And with our “unbeatable satisfaction guarantee®” you have nothing to lose.


How long does it take to repair my credit?

Each situation is unique and so is the timeframe required to repair your credit. The majority of our customers see results within the first 45-60 days. AAA Credit Today works on your credit on a month by month basis until you are satisfied with the improvement in your credit. Our goal is to improve both your credit report and credit score continuously each month. With that said, keep in mind that no company can promise any specific outcome simply because there are several third parties involved (e.g. Equifax, Transunion, Experian, your creditors, etc.) and no one can predict how they will respond.

I just signed up, what happens now?


  • You’ll receive a welcome email from AAA Credit Today.
  • We’ll provide you with a special secure online account so you can keep track of our progress on your credit repair
  • You’ll see your credit reports and starting credit scores from all three credit bureaus (reporting agencies)
  • You’ll start seeing credit improvements in less than 60 days
  • Your credit report and score improvements will progress throughout the duration of your service (you’ll watch it all happen through your online account).
  • At the end, you will visibly see your credit report, turn into a better credit report. AAA Credit Today will also give you a future plan to help you maintain your improved credit and show you how to continuously raise your credit score.
Can I repair my own credit?

Yes. You have the legal right to work out your credit disputes with the credit agencies and credit grantors yourself. Given experience and study, you could do much of what our staff does. It is similar to your right as a citizen to represent yourself in court. When making the decision to repair your own credit reports or enlist the assistance of a professional credit repair company such as AAA Credit Today, it may be helpful to consider the amount of time that may be required to effectively repair your credit. In our experience, a typical consumer simply does not have the time to research and experiment with credit disputing methods in order to find the best course of action for their individual credit situation. Our extensive experience means you will see the highest possible return on your time and money as our efforts on your behalf will only utilize credit improvement strategies which have proven to be effective.


Who are the Lyfe Telemedicine doctors?

Our care is provided by a network of U.S. board-certified internists, family doctors and pediatricians licensed to practice medicine in the U.S. and provide care 24/7. We also have board-certified primary care physicians, dermatologists, psychiatrists and licensed therapists who can provide specialty care. Our Specialists & Expert Advice services are provided by our global network of world-renowned experts who advise on complex conditions, treatment plans and surgeries.


How does Lyfe Telemedicine protect my privacy?

We are committed to protecting the privacy of every individual who uses our services. We comply with all relevant state, national and international laws and regulations, including the U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, known as HIPAA. Unless permitted or required by law, your medical information will not be shared without your consent. On occasion, we may use de-identified information to help us improve our clinical programs.


Can Lyfe Telemedicine handle emergency situations?

You should not use Lyfe Telemedicine if you are experiencing a medical emergency. In the event of a medical emergency, please call 911.


Will I talk with a real doctor?

Lyfe Telemedicine’s doctors are U.S. board-certified internists, family doctors and pediatricians licensed to practice medicine in the U.S. When you request a visit, Lyfe Telemedicine will connect you with a doctor licensed in your state or province.

All of our physicians diagnose, treat and prescribe medications (if necessary) for common, non-emergency health issues by phone or video.

Is there a time limit on visits??

The amount of time allocated to a visit varies depending on the treatment you seek:
There is no time limit, however most issues are resolved in under 15 minutes.

Mental Health: The average mental health visit is 45 minutes, similar to an in-person therapy visit.Dermatology: All communication between you and your dermatologist is through the secure Lyfe Telemedicine message center. You can ask follow-up questions at no charge for up to seven days and request the same dermatologist for subsequent consults if you wish.

What will happen after I schedule a visit?

After you have submitted your visit request, you will receive notifications when:

Your visit request is confirmed.

The provider is reviewing your medical history (the provider generally reviews your medical history 5-10 minutes prior to the start of your visit).

The provider is ready to see you.

Your visit is complete, and your treatment plan is ready.

If you have requested an ASAP/on-demand visit, please enter the waiting room as soon as you have requested your video visit. The provider will meet you in the waiting room when they become available.

If you have requested a scheduled visit, please enter the waiting room at the day and time you have requested. You will receive a reminder by email or text 10 minutes prior to your scheduled visit time.

What should I do if I need to cancel a scheduled visit?

After logging in to your account, navigate to your “Upcoming Visit” details, found on the homepage. There you will see a “Cancel Visit” button, which you can click to cancel your visit.


Does the doctor review my medical history before a visit?

We will ask you to complete a brief medical history prior to requesting your first visit, similar to filling out forms before an in-person doctor visit. You can update your medical history at any time through your profile on the website or the mobile app.

Your Lyfe Telemedicine medical history is stored on our HIPAA-compliant, encrypted central server. Before each visit, the doctor will review your medical history with a specific focus on chronic illnesses, current medications, allergies and any changes in your medical condition.

How do I start my video visit?

To join a video visit, log in to your account on the mobile app and click “Join waiting room.”

If you have requested an ASAP/on-demand visit, please enter the waiting room as soon as you have requested your video visit. The provider will meet you in the waiting room when they become available.

If you have requested a scheduled visit, please enter the waiting room at the day and time you have requested. You will receive a reminder by email or text 10 minutes prior to your scheduled visit time.
Please note: Video visits cannot be joined through FaceTime or Skype. They must be joined from within the mobile app or through your online account.

Should I keep the mobile app open on my phone while I wait for the doctor to join my video visit?
No, you do not have to leave your app open. However, please keep your phone near you so that the visit can begin right when the provider arrives. You will receive a text or email notification indicating the visit is about to start.

If you have requested a scheduled visit, please enter the waiting room at the day and time you have requested.

If you are not in the waiting room when the provider arrives, they will wait a few minutes before helping the next patient. Don’t worry, we will attempt to connect you with the next available provider prior to canceling your visit. You will receive a new set of notifications before the next provider arrives and you can stay in the waiting room until they join.



Yes! Using AU tradelines to boost your credit is a perfectly legal process. Parents routinely add their children as authorized users to assist in credit building. And now, we’ve given you and your clients access to the process!



All AU tradelines are ready to post 1-2 weeks after the listed statement date and will stay posted for at least 30 days after the statement date.



Each trade line is an account that reports monthly. This means, the bank collects all the information associated with that trade line (the age, limit, balance, payment history, authorized users, etc.) and sends it to the credit bureaus. This, usually, happens every month. However, some banks report weekly (especially store cards).



In order to have the trade line added to your credit report, you must have been added to the trade line prior to the bank collecting all of the information they will eventually send to the credit bureaus. It’s recommended to order your trade lines a couple weeks in advance (minimum) to insure your trade line will be included in the information the bank collects to send to the bureaus.


When you add an authorized user trade line to your credit report, you are adding positive payment history, length of time you have established credit, and showing responsible use of credit by having an account with a low debt ratio. These are the factors that contribute to the 30 to 60 points average increase that we see with qualified authorized users.


It is important to note that authorized user trade lines are a temporary solution. While the average time a trade line will stay on your credit report is between 3 and 6 months, we recommend that you be ready to apply for your immediate credit goals right away. In the very unlikely case that the line falls off of your credit within the first 60 days, we will replace it at no charge, but it is in your best interest to be ready to use your credit right away when the trade line posts.



Because of the many factors that go into determining your full credit score, it is impossible to guarantee a specific credit score increase. Our guarantee promises that our credit lines have perfect payment history, and less than 30% of the available credit being utilized. We also guarantee that our lines will report to a minimum of 2 out of the 3 credit bureaus within the contracted time. While 95% of the time our lines report to all 3 bureaus, there are occasionally factors outside of our control that can keep a line from hitting the 3rd bureau. If for whatever reason your line only hits one bureau, we will replace it at no charge. As most lenders take into account your mid-score, it should not lessen your ability to qualify for credit if your credit line reports to at least 2 bureaus.



We are contractually obligated by our cardholders to only secure lines that have been fully funded. If your line does not post, we will grant a refund up to 100% of the price paid.


95% of our lines post to all 3 bureaus. However, lines that require a special address typically have challenges posting to Equifax. This includes lines from Ally, Amazon, Chase, Comenity, Discover, Fidelity, GE Capital, GM, Marvel, Merrick, Synchrony, US Bank, Wells Fargo, WFB, and Zions Bank. If Equifax posting is important to you we recommend that you do not order any of these lines.


A “Special Address” is simply a mailing address that you must temporarily use in place of your own to get tradelines from certain banks to post. This involves lines from Chase, Discover, Wells Fargo, and a few smaller banks. There are two ways to post these lines. You can either initiate a “hard pull” on your credit, or a “soft pull” through a credit monitoring account such as CCT or FCR.



Prices are different for different tradelines because of their Credit Limit and Age. This is because a line with a lower limit or younger age will not have as big of an impact as line with a higher limit and older age. We offer a variety of different lines to suit each client’s unique needs.



The most common reason an application gets rejected is because required documents were not uploaded. For some lines such as Citi and Discover, we require applicants to upload legal documentation such as a copy of SSN card and driver’s license. Applications may also be rejected if the client’s SSN is found to be invalid.



To ensure your application is successful:

Make sure you enter all of the client’s information accurately into the application

Make sure all required documents are submitted and uploaded properly



We require documentation for Citi and Discover tradelines due to increased security at these banks. Documents must be attached to your order application, or your order will be cancelled. Here are the required docs:

Citi: SSN card

Discover: SSN card & Driver’s License

Pricing & Plans



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